AEWG-65: Chiago, IL, May 13-15, 2025
Journal of AE - Notes for Contributors 1. General The Journal of AE will publish contributions from all parts of the world and manuscripts for publication should be submitted to the Editor. Send to: Professor Kanji Ono, Editor - JAE Authors of any AE related publications are encouraged to send a copy for inclusion in the AE Literature section to: Acoustic Emission Collection and Mr. T.F. Drouillard, Associate Editor -JAE Only papers not previously published will be accepted. Authors must agree to transfer the copyright to the Journal and not to publish elsewhere, the same paper submitted to and accepted by the Journal. A paper is acceptable if it is a revision of a governmental or organizational report, or if it is based on a paper published with limited distribution. The language of the Journal is English. All papers should be written concisely and clearly. 2. Page Charges No page charge is levied. One copy of CD-ROM will be supplied to the authors free of charge via internet. 3. Manuscript for Review Manuscripts for review need only to be typed legibly; preferably, double-spaced on only one side of the page with wide margins. The title should be brief. An abstract of 100-200 words is needed for articles. Except for short communications, descriptive heading should be used to divide the paper into its component parts. Use the International System of Units (SI). References to published literature should be quoted in the text citing authors and the year of publication or consecutive numbers. These are to be grouped together at the end of the paper. Journal references should be arranged as below. Titles for journal or book articles are helpful for readers, but may be omitted. H.L. Dunegan, D.O. Harris and C.A. Tatro (1968), Eng. Fract. Mech., 1, 105-122. Y. Krampfner, A. Kawamoto, K. Ono and A.T. Green (1975), "Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Cu Alloys under Low-Cycle Fatigue Conditions," NASA CR-134766, University of California, Los Angeles and Acoustic Emission Tech. Corp., Sacramento, April. A.E. Lord, Jr. (1975), Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods, vol. 11, eds. W. P. Mason and R. N. Thurston, Academic Press, New York, pp. 289-353. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow those used in the ASM Metals Abstracts. In every case, authors' initials, appropriate volume and page numbers should be included. The title of the cited journal reference is optional. Illustrations and tables should be planned to fit a single page width (165mm or 6.5"). For the reviewing processes, these need not be of high quality, but submit glossy prints or equivalent electronic files with the final manuscript. Lines and letters should be legible. 4. Review All manuscripts will be judged by qualified reviewer(s). Each paper is reviewed by one of the editors and may be sent for review by members of the Editorial Board. The Board member may seek another independent review. In case of disputes, the author may request other reviewers. 5. Electronic Media This Journal will be primarily distributed electronically by CD-ROM. In order to expedite processing and minimize errors, the authors are requested to submit electronic files of the paper. On the INTERNET, you can send an MS Word file to 6. Color Illustration With the new format, authors are encouraged to use them. |